We recently read an article about a new trend in the co-working spaces. That a workspace where babies are welcome.
There should be no doubt that the number of independent contractors in the workplace is growing. According to a study conducted by Intuit, an anticipated 40% of workers will be contractors by 2020. One thing we know is that part of that number will be business professionals who are also trying to balance family. After all, one of the biggest reasons for going independent is flexibility.
While flexibility is the upside, these contractors still enjoy camaraderie and a space to reflect professionalism. All of this was a good reason for Tiffany Frye of Durham, N.C. to launch a co-working-meets-day care workspace. The co-working space promises parents that work remotely or run small businesses a functional space along with daycare and craft rooms.
Officing Today, a voice for the alternative workplace, reports that there are many moving parts to this type of coworking space and work is still needed for the concept to become successful on a broader scale.
Co-working spaces work best with a diverse set of like-minded professionals creating a community. While the Crown Center Executive Suites typical shared space client has other arrangements for their kids, we were curious what your thoughts are. Would you be interested in onsite daycare? Do you think this would help you be more productive or create a distraction? Let us know what you think.