We are open to service our community’s essential businesses.
March 23, 2020
Good morning valued client,
CCES will remain open for your business needs as per the executive ordered issued by Broward County (click to view). We are considered an essential business, and our front desk staff will be available during business hours (8am-5pm) Monday – Friday to assist you. If you would like to contact them regarding your mail or for a conference room, please email them at [email protected] or by phone at 954-334-5800.
We realize that many of our clients are considered “essential businesses” or are able to continue their work in our offices based upon the exceptions as defined in the attached order.
Should you wish to use your office, we ask that you practice social distancing as defined by the authorities; remaining 6’ away from others, including our staff.
If you need a conference room, the front desk will help you with that, however, we have applied the social distancing guidelines so that the number of people we are allowing in each room has been minimized. The front desk will help you find a room that is the proper size for your meeting.
Thank you, and please stay safe and healthy and practice social distancing! We will continue to update you via email should any changes to our operations occur.